
IWT program- scholarship


IWT finances R&D projects
The Flemish Government wants to stimulate innovation in Flanders. Therefore, it grants IWT annually the budgets necessary to finance research and development (R&D) by and for Flemish companies. All types of companies are eligible for R&D funding, even if their innovative projects are non-technological.
Companies can apply for R&D funding throughout the year. IWT evaluates the applications based on multiple criteria. During these evaluations, we attach equal value to the quality and the valorization of the research and/or development. For SMEs there is a SME Programme (SME Innovation Project and SME feasibility study) made to measure.
IWT funds Flemish knowledge centres and researchers
The research that individual researchers and knowledge centres carry out is essential to our knowledge economy. Their investigations are often the basis for concrete, innovative applications. Of course, research requires funding. Therefore, the Flemish research world can contact IWT for the financial support it needs. There are four types of subsidy and grant programmes available to them:
  1. Strategic Basic Research (SBO)
  2. Post-graduate Grants (SB)
  3. Post-doctoral Research Fellowships (IM)
  4. Applied Biomedical Research (TBM)
IWT supports collaboration in innovation
Collaboration is an important aspect of Flemish innovation policy. Collaboration enables companies and knowledge centres to tackle common technological issues efficiently. It also allows them to develop their internal know-how. IWT offers funding and advice to any form of collaboration that supports innovation.

