In numpy
s, dimensionality refers to the number of axes
needed to index it, not the dimensionality of any geometrical space. For example, you can describe the locations of points in 3D space with a 2D array:
#axis可以看做是组成数据的层次,有点像树,比如第一层是2;第二层是3,即每个第二层分支有3个子叶,那么axis是(2, 3)。
array([[0, 0, 0],
[1, 2, 3],
[2, 2, 2],
[9, 9, 9]])
Which has
of (4, 3)
and dimension 2
. But it can describe 3D space because the length of each row (axis
1) is three, so each row can be the x, y, and z component of a point's location. The length of axis
0 indicates the number of points (here, 4). However, that is more of an application to the math that the code is describing, not an attribute of the array itself. In mathematics, the dimension of a vector would be its length (e.g., x, y, and z components of a 3d vector), but in numpy, any "vector" is really just considered a 1d array or varying length. The array doesn't care what the dimension of the space (if any) being described is.
You can play around with this, and see the number of dimensions and shape of an array like so:
In [262]: a = np.arange(9)
In [263]: a
Out[263]: array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
In [264]: a.ndim # number of dimensions
Out[264]: 1
In [265]: a.shape
Out[265]: (9,)
In [266]: b = np.array([[0,0,0],[1,2,3],[2,2,2],[9,9,9]])
In [267]: b
array([[0, 0, 0],
[1, 2, 3],
[2, 2, 2],
[9, 9, 9]])
In [268]: b.ndim
Out[268]: 2
In [269]: b.shape
Out[269]: (4, 3)
Arrays can have many dimensions, but they become hard to visualize above two or three:
In [276]: c = np.random.rand(2,2,3,4)
In [277]: c
array([[[[ 0.33018579, 0.98074944, 0.25744133, 0.62154557],
[ 0.70959511, 0.01784769, 0.01955593, 0.30062579],
[ 0.83634557, 0.94636324, 0.88823617, 0.8997527 ]],
[[ 0.4020885 , 0.94229555, 0.309992 , 0.7237458 ],
[ 0.45036185, 0.51943908, 0.23432001, 0.05226692],
[ 0.03170345, 0.91317231, 0.11720796, 0.31895275]]],
[[[ 0.47801989, 0.02922993, 0.12118226, 0.94488471],
[ 0.65439109, 0.77199972, 0.67024853, 0.27761443],
[ 0.31602327, 0.42678546, 0.98878701, 0.46164756]],
[[ 0.31585844, 0.80167337, 0.17401188, 0.61161196],
[ 0.74908902, 0.45300247, 0.68023488, 0.79672751],
[ 0.23597218, 0.78416727, 0.56036792, 0.55973686]]]])
In [278]: c.ndim
Out[278]: 4
In [279]: c.shape
Out[279]: (2, 2, 3, 4)